Atem launches free Carbon Cockpit

May 23, 2024

Yellow Flower
Yellow Flower

Empowering every company to succeed with carbon offsetting 

Atem is launching the Carbon Cockpit, a no-cost platform that empowers companies of all sizes to fully participate in combating climate change. The Carbon Cockpit provides unbiased assessments covering the whole voluntary market. While many buyers struggle to make sense of the market and overcome the lack of trust in offsetting, Atem’s Carbon Cockpit opens up access to insights previously exclusive to experts or high-budget enterprises.

Main text for trade press

To reach their net-zero goal, two-thirds of the world’s biggest companies use voluntary carbon credits to offset their hard-to-abate emissions.1 However, opaque carbon markets pose serious financial and reputation risks. Companies might pay too much for credits that don't really help the environment, leading to greenwashing lawsuits and a drop in shareholder value.2

Sustainability managers face severe challenges when it comes to the data around carbon credits: piecing together multiple data sources and making sense of contradicting assessments. Even impartial third-party ratings providers vary in their approach and come to different conclusions.3

Marcus Wagner, Head of Environmental Sustainability at SAP puts it this way:

“It’s difficult and expensive to assess project quality. We get a lot of insights already but they are always a snapshot, making it difficult to reliably compare projects.” 

As a consequence, companies usually choose one of two costly options: They either invest in in-house expertise and hire experts with significant experience, or they bring in a consultancy. Atem’s Carbon Cockpit now offers an additional, free choice. It translates carbon market data into reliable insights with three main scores for over 6,000 projects: Trust, Value, and a tailored Guideline Fit.

According to Atem’s founder Alexandre Peschel, 'Democratizing access to crucial data is a major step forward to scale voluntary offsetting. While the necessary information to separate the good from the bad carbon credits exists, it’s often inaccessible, hard to understand and expensive. Therefore, we believe in an unbiased way of unifying data and giving clear guidance to buyers. Making sense of carbon credits shouldn’t be a matter of budget or expertise but accessible to everyone and that’s why we provide our services at no cost.

The Carbon Cockpit uses open source methodologies with the goal of becoming the definite resource to make sense of carbon markets: Trust scores are based on the well established CCQI framework. Its coverage is continuously expanded to more methodologies with support from independent carbon market experts. Further, Trust scores are enhanced with additional data like credit completion rates and third-party ratings. Value scores combine the trust of a credit with the likely market price to determine: How much impact per dollar will this credit bring? Finally, the Guideline Fit score is considering each company’s specific rules and preferences to quickly show which credits best match their individual needs. All scores are updated at least weekly. 

Atem’s free Carbon Cockpit empowers every company to do better in combating climate change—addressing a main pain point of companies that rely on carbon credits: a universal and unbiased take on which carbon credits are the best fit. 

Executive Summary

Atem, headquartered in Berlin, is launching the Carbon Cockpit. This no-cost platform empowers companies of all sizes to avoid greenwashing and fully participate in combating climate change.

The Carbon Cockpit provides unbiased assessments covering the whole voluntary market. As many buyers struggle to make sense of the market and deliver on their sustainability goals, Atem’s Carbon Cockpit opens up access to crucial information and presents unbiased guidance to buyers in the form of three scores for over 7,000 projects:

Trust, Value, and a tailored Guideline Fit.

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